Singkatan Recursive ( Emacs )
Judul diatas merupakan salah kebiasaan unik dari hacker, yaitu Singkatan
Rekursif, atau singkatan yang memanggil dirinya sendiri. Tulisan ini saya
dapat dari Emacs 23.1 pada file JOKES.
Emacs memang membuat editing file lebih asyik meski Emacs sebenarnya mempunyai
kemampuan yang jauh lebih dahsyat bahkan lebih powerfull daripada editor yang
telah mendukung IDE sekalipun.
Coba lihat video ini bagaimana
melakukan coding html jauh lebih mudah dan mengasyikkan
Berikut beberapa contoh Acronim Recursive Untuk Emacs
Eight Megabytes And Constantly Swapping**
Even a Master of Arts Comes Simpler
Emacs Manuals Are Cryptic and Surreal
Energetic Merchants Always Cultivate Sales
Each Manual’s Audience is Completely Stupified
Emacs Means A Crappy Screen
Eventually Munches All Computer Storage
Even My Aunt Crashes the System
Eradication of Memory Accomplished with Complete Simplicity
Elsewhere Maybe Alternative Civilizations Survive
Egregious Managers Actively Court Stallman
Esoteric Malleability Always Considered Silly
Emacs Manuals Always Cause Senility
Easily Maintained with the Assistance of Chemical Solutions
Edwardian Manifestation of All Colonial Sins
Generally Not Used Except by Middle Aged Computer Scientists
Extended Macros Are Considered Superfluous
Every Mode Accelerates Creation of Software
Elsewhere Maybe All Commands are Simple
Emacs May Allow Customized Screwups
Excellent Manuals Are Clearly Suppressed
Emetic Macros Assault Core and Segmentation
Embarrassed Manual-Writer Accused of Communist Subversion
Extensibility and Modifiability Aggravate Confirmed Simpletons
Emacs May Annihilate Command Structures
Easily Mangles, Aborts, Crashes and Stupifies
Extraneous Macros And Commands Stink
Exceptionally Mediocre Algorithm for Computer Scientists
EMACS Makes no Allowances Considering its Stiff price
Equine Mammals Are Considerably Smaller
Embarrassingly Mundane Advertising Cuts Sales
Every Moron Assumes CCA is Superior
Exceptionally Mediocre Autocratic Control System
EMACS May Alienate Clients and Supporters
Excavating Mayan Architecture Comes Simpler
Erasing Minds Allows Complete Submission
Every Male Adolescent Craves Sex
Elephantine Memory Absolutely Considered Sine que non
Emacs Makers Are Crazy Sickos
Eenie-Meenie-Miney-Mo- Macros Are Completely Slow
Experience the Mildest Ad Campaign ever Seen
Emacs Makefiles Annihilate C- Shells
Eradication of Memory Accomplished with Complete Simplicity
Emetic Macros Assault Core and Segmentation
Epileptic MLisp Aggravates Compiler Seizures
Eleven thousand Monkeys Asynchronously Crank out these Slogans